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Перевод: median speek median

срединный; серединный;
медиана ; срединная артерия; серединная артерия


  1. One hundred and thirteen had been born at term and the others at a median gestational age of 32 weeks (range 24-;36); none of the latter had been discharged from their neonatal unit on additional inspired oxygen.
  2. Following the cessation of earnings, their income drops sharply, from a median value of 240 per cent RNR to about 130 per cent.
  3. The median years for return to work for the next cohort, who had their first birth between 1975 and 1979, is estimated to be only 3.7 years.
  4. However, 15-Mton iron objects with speeds much in excess of the median value of 15kms -1 will airburst before impact.
  5. We now know that this was the condition in galeaspids where paired nasal sacs opened into median duct and the duct itself communicated with the pharynx.
  6. Part or all of the aedeagus is held by some authors to be of a secondary, non-appendicular nature but others consider it to be formed by the division of the gonapophyses of the 9th abdominal segment, the two median halves fusing during development to form the penis while the lateral halves constitute the parameres.
  7. The distribution of incomes across countries looks similar to the distribution of incomes one finds within a country: it straggles upwards, the midspread is above the median, the mid-extreme is above the midspread, the lower whisker is very short and there are upper outliers.
  8. Among Apocritan Hymenoptera this segment becomes fused with the metathorax during the change from the larva to the pupa and is known as the propodeum, epinotum or median segment.
  9. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in mean initial packed cell volume (regulated group 0.564, random group 0.509) and median red cell transfusion requirements (regulated group zero, random group 23 ml/kg).
  10. The clear inference must be that the average knight was expected to have at least the 120 a year postulated by Smith, and indeed the median of twenty-three in Buckinghamshire, Suffolk and Sussex in 1524-;5 lay between 120 and 160, while nationally the median of eighteen feodary surveys works out at 204.
  11. In 1979 (Figure 5.1), the median net income of households which included elderly people declined sharply with the age of the oldest member, from 43 per week for the 65-;69 age-group to 32 for the 80-years-and-older group.
  12. The eyes were placed more laterally and there was a large median opening leading to the nasal sacs and the mouth,
  13. The epicranium is the upper region of the head from the frons to the neck and may be divided longitudinally into two epicranial plates by the ecdysial cleavage line or median sulcus.

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