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Перевод: meretricious speek meretricious

показной; мишурный; распутный


  1. What is more, to his British rivals, Bonington's very success smacked of the meretricious.
  2. It's also curious how most of these groups have written at least one song about the meretricious lure of the capital.
  3. The studio almost immediately cast her in a cycle of prestigious (if often meretricious) "women's pictures", including Edmund Goulding's Dark Victory (1939), which had her, in its famous climactic scene, walk upstairs to die in solitude with all the dignified serenity of an elephant trundling off to its ancestral graveyard; Michael Curtiz's The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (also 1939), in which she flaunted the Virgin Queen's (and her own) baldness as the ultimate emblem of great, self-abasing character acting; and, of course, Irving Rapper's sudsy, multi-Kleenex tearjerker Now, Voyager (1942), in which her repressed, plain-Jane spinster blossoms overnight into chic, radiant, cigarette-tapping womanhood.
  4. She could view with contempt those of her fellow tourists who, after the Aegean, could excite themselves over the meretricious charms of Venice.
  5. "Oh, it's meretricious, I grant yer," conceded the Old Stager, "but not reelly like the others what's got 300 in Test matches."
  6. Not pure fact, not meretricious research, which observes and "tames" the insightful-prophetic thrust; not "mere" imagination or mental excitement - but the fruitful intercourse between the two, in an artistic equilibrium.
  7. But this portrait was different from either; the wonder was that the artist who could produce this disciplined splurge of colour, this technical artistry and imagination, had been content to churn out meretricious souvenirs for the tourist trade.
  8. It is difficult, as so many failures show, to describe "the values" of a society without making them appear more systematic than they are, or (the reverse danger) making them appear time-serving and meretricious.
  9. Products range from the truly estimable and inspired to the merely pretty and, sometimes, meretricious.
  10. So what if Hook was a cynical money-spinning exercise full of lacklustre action and meretricious sentiment-by-numbers?
  11. The comparatively gentle Dustin might not fully have realised the movie's meretricious implications.
  12. He surfed big conditions with disdainful ease, a slightly meretricious casualness.
  13. Apart from the fact that much of it is badly executed - the uneven paving is a disgrace in a city full of fine Victorian craftsmanship - it seems to many meretricious and, above all, out of place.

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