m ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mk ml mm mn mo mp mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz

Перевод: mg.



  1. Refractory arrhythmias or seizures contraindicate further lignocaine, and propranolol (0.5-;1 mg intravenously, to a maximum of 5 mg) can be used.
  2. Whole flies (100 to 200 mg) were crushed in 1 ml of extraction buffer (Tris 10mM pH 7.8, NaCl 60 mM, EDTA 10mM) at 0-;5C to which was added 1 volume of lyse buffer (Tris 300 mM, pH 9, EDTA 100 mM, DEPC 0.8%), SDS 1%, Proteinase K 100g/ml and incubated 1 h at 65C.
  3. The most affected areas are rural pans of areas in western Jutland. 6 per cent of the population (300,000 people) receive water with a nitrate content above 50 mg NOsub3; /l, mostly from private wells.
  4. Captopril 25 mg bd
  5. A 50 gram portion of canned sardines could contribute 0.8 mg fluoride; and, in Britain particularly, many receive more than 1 mg fluoride daily from drinking tea.
  6. A sample weighing about 30 mg is drilled from an inconspicuous area of the object, usually the base.
  7. Teams: Rugeley MG All Stars and Team Uniprint tied for first with Rugeley MG Blue third.
  8. The choice of treatment is between intravenous 50% dextrose (usually 50 ml) and subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous glucagon (0.5 mg in children and 1 mg in adults); intranasal glucagon is also effective.
  9. It will also activate some postsynaptic NMDA receptors, allowing some postsynaptic Ca 2+ influx at synapses that are not releasing glutamate (when other active synapses depolarize the cell and remove Mg 2+ -block of the NMDA channels).
  10. The MG TC: "Left so much to the imagination," says a reader
  11. In fact, in a 10 kg infant a dose of only 0.8 mg fluoride could theoretically cause a peak of 0.2 ppm in the blood ionic fluoride; and a dose of just 0-;4 mg fluoride, a peak of 0.1 ppm.
  12. Thus, in one case, a patient with inoperable cancer of the oesophagus was still in pain despite receiving 12 g of oral morphine a day when he was admitted to a hospice; a week later he was free of pain when taking 60 mg of morphine a day and 10 mg of diazepam at night.
  13. Willis Faber, the insurance broker said to be on the verge of selling its 20.5 per cent shareholding in MG to a potential bidder, was unchanged at 242p.

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