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Перевод: mining

горный; рудный; горнопромышленный; горнорудный;
горное дело; горная промышленность; разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых; добыча ; минирование; минное дело


  1. All around its industrial heritage can be seen, in the lead mining centre at the Dale Killhope Wheel, Britain's finest lead mining site, which is dominated by a 30ft water wheel.
  2. The countryside had become flatter since they had passed the raw black scars on the mining areas and the remaining tracts of Sherwood Forest.
  3. Around which town is there most tin mining?
  4. From the early period of tin mining to the 1940s women were often concentrators of minerals.
  5. One example of this imaginative aspect of the campaign was an exhibition of photographs portraying present day Mayo and comparing it with scenes from areas in Ireland where mining had taken place.
  6. If these are analogous with the vessels proposed for mining manganese nodules, the capital costs of each operation are likely to run toward 1000 million.
  7. In July Burmin went on the offensive by issuing a circular on myths and facts relating to the mining, which suggested that gold mining could be turned into a tourist attraction, said no cyanide spills would take place, the visual impact on Croagh Patrick would be minimal and the Church was not opposed to the mining.
  8. These concessions from the mining company seemed to point to another Irish solution to an Irish problem - "We'll do it but we'll do it out of sight".
  9. It turned out that the stranger worked for ICI and he told Haslam that Britain's major chemical company was looking for mining engineers.
  10. Many of these civilians were brought in from other mining areas in Romania.
  11. Again the interests supporting the mining are the state and foreign mining companies who would reap all the benefits from the "development", while all the costs of the mining are to be borne by the local community.
  12. Growing up in a South African mining town, the son of a reasonably successful lawyer, he might easily have settled down to an ordinary, respectable career, following his father into law, perhaps, as one of his cousins did, or becoming an architect like another of them.
  13. There is no denying the suffering of the mining families and the deep hatred which was further nurtured between the miners and the coal owners.

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