m ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mk ml mm mn mo mp mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz

Перевод: modifier speek modifier

модификатор ; определение


  1. The first method, after Debili 1982, uses a listing of word pairs observed to have entered into certain syntactic relations in a previously analysed corpus (e.g., subject/main verb or noun/adjectival modifier, etc.).
  2. Where the needs of discourse or the story require more specific information then a modifier is used: "the boy" becomes "the small fat boy" or "he obtains the ticket" becomes "he secretly obtains the ticket".
  3. The child in due course in new contexts uses the modifier with substantives, thereby expressing his desires more clearly.
  4. Then, apply a modifier of between -30 and +30, depending on how you rate the performance of the character doing the talking.
  5. To take a cuisinary analogy, threads of modifier bind the irregular network regions together something like eggs bind the flour in a cake mix.
  6. Any missiles shot at a character bearing the Silver Seal suffer a -1 to hit modifier.
  7. Showing the insignia of a Good deity (eg Liadriel) is better, and adds a +10 modifier to the Fel test here (see below).
  8. This modifier also applies to cannon misfires too.
  9. The weapon has a strength of 4, a range of 40 and an armour save modifier of -2 instead of the usual -1 because of the power of gunpowder weapons.
  10. If the concentration of modifying oxide is sufficient, the threads of modifier will percolate through the whole structure defining routes that avoid the insulating silicate network.
  11. (b) An index register is divided into a modifier field (as before) and an index limit field.
  12. Therefore the enemy must deduct a further -1 from its armour save, so the save modifier is -2 rather than -1 as is normal for a strength 4 hit.

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