m ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mk ml mm mn mo mp mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz

Перевод: molar speek molar

коренной; мольный; молярный;
моляр ; коренной зуб


  1. Viverrids conform to the conditions of molar digestion described for category 3 (Fig. 3.21 J-N).
  2. Molar digestion
  3. Incisor digestion complements the evidence of molar digestion, but there are interesting differences.
  4. A. vole molars with light digestion from European eagle owl assemblage (13); B. vole molar from the same eagle owl assemblage with digestion exposing the dentine along the lengths of the salient angles of the teeth (28); C. enlargement of same (188); D. rooted vole molar from tawny owl assemblage with digestion exposing dentine along salient angles (25); E. enlargement of same (33); F. enlargement of same: there has been no loss of dentine (57); G. murid molar from European eagle owl assemblage showing extensive superficial digestion (20); H. enlargement of same (27); 1.
  5. A. vole molar from barn owl assemblage with no evidence of digestion (14); B. enlargement of another specimen from the same barn owl assemblage with slight surface digestion of the salient angles (38); C. vole molar from long-eared owl assemblage showing rounding of the occlusal edges of the salient angles but no penetration of the enamel (38); D. enlargement of same (150); E. murid molar from barn owl assemblage showing slight surface digestion of the enamel (22); F. vole molar from short-eared owl assemblage showing extensive superficial digestion along all the salient angles, producing an uneven surface but no penetration of the enamel (25); G. enlargement of same (110); H. shrew molar from barn owl assemblage, undigested (36).
  6. A. vole molar from mustelid assemblage, either stoat or polecat (18); B. enlargement of same (56); C. same specimen showing collapse of enamel into digested dentine core (38); D. murid molar digested by margay (13); E. enlargement of same (142); F. shrew molars with superficial digestion from bat-eared fox assemblage (20); G. enlargement of same (112); H. vole molar with extensive superficial digestion from red fox assemblage (24); 1.
  7. The tawny owl sample contains a lot of murids compared with other owls, and for this species the percentage molar loss is unexpectedly low because the murid teeth do not fall out of the maxilla so easily.
  8. The second category of molar digestion includes teeth from prey assemblages of three owl species that produce similar degrees of digestion to the category 1 species but with slightly higher frequencies (Table 3.12).
  9. A. vole molar from magpie assemblage showing slight chipping of occlusal edge (38); B. lemming molar from arctic fox assemblage with extensive chipping and some longitudinal splitting (25); C. rooted vole molar from coyote assemblage with extensive edge chipping along the occlusal surface (11); D. vole molar from red fox assemblage with single large chip removed from alveolar end of tooth (30); E. vole molar from red fox assemblage with chipping along the occlusal edge followed by digestion of the broken surfaces (56); F. enlargement of the same modification from coyote assemblage (75); G. cracking of a cricetid molar from bat-eared fox assemblage (26); H. enlargement of the same from Verreaux eagle owl assemblage (52).
  10. Fig. 3.19 (overleaf) SEM micrographs of molar corrosion produced by digestion: category 4.
  11. Cross-competition experiments using a 50-fold molar excess of the oligonucleotides A, B, C and D revealed that A, B and C compete very well with the ICP4 and Ad2 sequences while the consensus octamer sequence of oligonucleotide D does not compete at all (Fig. 4C, lanes 1-;10).
  12. A. sutural separation further advanced than that seen in Fig. 1.4B (12); B. advanced splitting of occlusal surface of vole molar (19); C. enlargement of same (112); D. chipping of vole molar after initial splitting (38); E. splitting of femur shaft (300); F. cracking of femur head (34); G. splitting of epiphysis of head of humerus (30); H. enlargement of same (75).

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