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Перевод: moraine speek moraine

морена [геол.] ; ледниковое отложение


  1. Others crossed the low-;and on the old Roman road which had been made on the ridge of the terminal moraine.
  2. At the base there is a locally derived ground moraine that may be a remnant glacial deposit of much greater antiquity.
  3. A year later, US geologists found on a moraine in the Thiel Mountains two portions of a rare type of stony-iron meteorite, called a pallasite, consisting of individual crystals of olivine, (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4, scattered through a matrix of metal.
  4. It formed a ridge called a terminal moraine .
  5. The ridge of the terminal moraine was a fine site for a later, Norman, castle to guard the crossing of the river.
  6. When the ice melted the moraine was dumped as sheets of boulder clay (clay mixed with sand, stones and boulders) on the floors of valleys.
  7. No more were found until 1961 when a party from the Soviet Union discovered two fragments of a broken nickel-iron meteorite lying in a glacial moraine near Lazarev Base.
  8. South of the terminal moraine many powerful meltwater streams were moving some of the loose stones, sand and mud of the older sheets of boulder clay.
  9. The sharp rocks, or moraine , which were stuck in the glaciers caused them to scrape out the valleys much deeper.
  10. Where exposure is severe due to wind-funnelling in cols at about 200 metres elevation, subalpine podzols occupy the crests of the moraine hummocks.
  11. Where it was melting a huge pile of boulder clay was built up, as a terminal moraine .
  12. Many years later, when the ice reached the lowlands, most of this rock debris, or moraine , had sunk down through the ice to the ground.
  13. On the lowlands the ice deposited its load of rock debris, or moraine.

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