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Перевод: moralist speek moralist

моралистский; высоконравственный;
моралист ; высоконравственный человек; добродетельный человек


  1. For him apparently, although no moralist, the answer "I enjoy it" does not quite settle the matter.
  2. Plus a change : in the 1990s these words (apart from their dated gender references) remain as relevant and as enlightening as in the 1970s and at the beginning of the century: the problem of poverty is the condition of the normal man and woman in normal circumstances, neither better nor worse off than his or her neighbours, not of those whose failings qualify them to be the text for the moralist, and who are no more common in the manual working-classes than in other sections of the society.
  3. Although they are a principled pair - they once turned down the Smarties Award on moral grounds - the Ahlbergs reject the notion of children's author as moralist.
  4. Politically, Mr Ashdown is a mountebank, not a moralist.
  5. In 1979, James Anderton, the Christian moralist chief constable of Greater Manchester, described the greatest threat to law and order as stemming from "seditionist interested groups who do not have the well-being of this country at heart and who mean to undermine democracy" (Thompson 1979: 380).
  6. For Godwin taught that one should ignore even the most obvious emotions, such as filial piety and gratitude: "Gratitude - a principle which has so often been the theme of the moralist and the poet, is no part of either justice or virtue."
  7. Julie Wheelwright considers drag as a form of liberation, and Jane Mills takes issue with an anti-dieting moralist
  8. Moralist and anti-porn campaigns are nothing new.
  9. Even those who do not share his political opinions readily pay their tribute to the range of his intellect and the graciousness of his character; more remarkable still, even those whose intellectual qualities are the equal of his, but whose moral qualities have degenerated in contact with the sordid atmosphere of politics, never speak of him with an affected amusement as a religious bigot or a narrow-minded moralist; in the remarks of these latter politicians I often detect a tone of rather wistful regret, as if they were conscious in themselves of a loss for which the world they have gained has by no means compensated.
  10. This is no exaggeration: though primarily a moralist, Arnold was almost equally a political reformer, and he thought of himself as performing a service to the state.
  11. Diderot's standards were those primarily of a moralist, questioning how morality might be fashioned through painting, but he was sensitive to artistic aims; his essay on painting was admired both by Goethe and Baudelaire.
  12. Beyond it, to the east, was a meadow, thick with fritillaries in spring and surrounded by a wooded path, known (after the essayist and moralist who was a fellow of the College in the early eighteenth century) as Addison's Walk.
  13. Michael Bryant is in characteristic scene-stealing form as that "original moralist" Alfred Doolittle, and Gillian Barge enjoys some wonderful put-downs of her son as Mrs Higgins.

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