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Перевод: mortar speek mortar

ступка ; ступа ; миномет ; мортира ; известковый раствор; строительный раствор;
обстреливать минометным огнем; скреплять известковым раствором; толочь в ступе


  1. I have finished my letter and sit staring down through the orchard thinking about those who have occupied the slit trenches since 6th June: Taff, the mortar team, the others who have gone and have been replaced by new faces.
  2. The mortar team are still lobbing their bombs into the enemy positions as we dash across the road and over a five-bar gate, then double along the hedgerow that runs alongside the road.
  3. The four Commandos on the 3 mortar were still firing their bombs, each as it left the muzzle of the mortar making a distinctive musical sound like someone blowing down a length of drainpipe.
  4. For a start, you need a bricklaying trowel for spreading the mortar bed in which each course of bricks or blocks is laid, for buttering mortar on to the end of each brick before you place it, and for trimming off excess mortar afterwards.
  5. The first rays of the sun appeared over the stark metal mortar sheeting covering the cookhouse The three teams stood shivering in the courtyard, shaking the chill of the morning from their bodies.
  6. Alternatively, chop the nuts very finely, add the garlic and use a pestle and mortar to grind them down.
  7. Brush on pva bonding agent, then patch with 1:5 cement: sand mortar to which pva solution has been added.
  8. The mortar team in the orchard were delighted when I turned up with ten fresh fish which were cooked immediately.
  9. The mortar should consist of one part cement to four parts of soft builders sand.
  10. In South Yorkshire , the snail Cepaea hortensis and the pill woodlouse (Armadillidium vulgare) , both normally centred on limestone terrain, are beginning to turn up on fragments of the urban common that are rich in mortar and therefore calcareous.
  11. Eventual breakdown of the bond between the mortar and the brickwork introduces an open joint which draws in moisture down the back of the small lead or zinc soakers which are incorporated to drain from the roof edge any moisture that penetrated the mortar (Fig 36).
  12. US Intelligence was surprised by the readiness of some Panamanians to fight and die for their leader, forcing the US troops besieging barracks at Fort Amador to bring in 105mm howitzers to blast away pockets of mortar and sniper fire.
  13. "Not many of the original lot that landed at La Breche five days ago," I replied, "There have been a lot of casualties since the landing, many of them caused by mortar fire over the past few days.

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