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Перевод: moth speek moth

моль ; ночная бабочка; мотылек


  1. It only remained for Terence Higgins (Worthing) to wrap up Serpell in moth balls, where it will remain until at least after the next election
  2. He is part-owner of a Tiger Moth.
  3. We have just caught Raskolnikov saying to himself that the moth seeks the candle-flame, and Porfiry says similar things aloud; while behind both of them Dostoevsky is telling Katkov that the murderer demands punishment and bends to an inexorable divine and human law when he gives himself up.
  4. Earwigs are redeemed by an appetite for the eggs of moths and sawflies, including gooseberry sawfly, and winter, tortrix and codling moth.
  5. The moth flies into the flame of her own accord.
  6. ITV's schools series on Nuclear issues, with Peter Moth as executive producer, seems to recognise this.
  7. Contrary to common belief, many of these food chains are based upon alien (non-native) plants, indeed moth caterpillars in the garden eat a higher proportion of alien than of native species.
  8. As the deep velvet baritone quietly affirmed " Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen ", a hawk moth, disturbed at the window pane, raced towards the bulb of a reading-lamp and dashed itself against the light until it fell exhausted on to the table.
  9. A red and black burnet moth landed on her hand, crawled over it and whirred away again into the grass.
  10. Store up treasure in heaven, where there is no moth and no rust to spoil it, no thieves to break in and steal.
  11. While in Stratford she also played Jessica in The Merchant of Venice and Moth in Love's Labours Lost .
  12. The caterpillars of codling moth, which can damage a good proportion of apple and pear fruit, can be controlled by the Trappit Codling Moth Trap (about 6).
  13. loss or damage caused by the process of cleaning, repairing or restoring any article, wear and tear, the action of light or atmospheric conditions, moth or any other gradually-operating cause;

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