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Перевод: mountain speek mountain

гористый; горный; нагорный; высокогорный;
гора ; масса ; куча ; множество


  1. Kaprun is an ideal centre for walking in beautiful alpine scenery, with every route you choose offering fantastic views particularly if you take the high alpine road up to the Gross Glockner, the highest mountain in Austria.
  2. Towelling herself, she looked out of the window, and paused as she noticed two figures climbing up a path that wound up the side of the mountain.
  3. There are remarkably few active volcanoes in the centres of continents - none at all in South or North America, away from the Andean-Rockies mountain belt, none in central Asia, none in Australia, and only one away from the coast in Antarctica.
  4. In Austria, why not try one week in a mountain resort?
  5. I say unfortunate laird, but of course it would have been the unfortunate estate workers who would have hauled the pick-axes up the hill and toiled away for weeks, just so that somebody with a crown could sit on a pony that didn't stumble on his way up a mountain to shoot something.
  6. Also a shepherd, who was whistling a tune that the emperor liked, was led into the mountain by a dwarf.
  7. In fact, as the press release says, "almost every rock climbing feature you could expect to find in the mountain environment."
  8. Being surrounded by sea on three sides, Wales has a far higher proportion of lower lying land than the Auvergne and its high upland or mountain areas are far less extensive.
  9. For example, with fell running and mountain marathons gaining in popularity, how about some ideas for safe running off the beaten track?
  10. Perhaps they're going to spend the night on the mountain.
  11. All this might sound like hot air in a Rocky Mountain state where flakey liberals are usually the norm.
  12. Skiing: America versus the Alps: Transatlantic attractions of the Rocky Mountain heights
  13. This is a very hardy mountain breed which thrives in rough climates and on poor soils; its native region is at 750-;2,150m above sea level, exposed to the western winds.

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