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Перевод: murrain speek murrain

падеж скота; ящур [вет.] ; чума ; мор


  1. Sundew ( Drosera rotundifolia ) has, according to one interpretation of the Gaelic, a somewhat uncomplimentary name - , said to be "the plant of earnach", a disease in cattle, sometimes identified as murrain, and reputed to be caused by eating this poisonous plant.
  2. There were recurring epidemics of murrain and hoof and mouth disease, a particularly bad series of which decimated herds in the central highlands in the 1860s.
  3. They had brought tales with them from England of witchcraft and the King's concern; an Essex man who had come with the Hopewell on the return voyage recalled how when he was a child, a pricker was calling on all the households of the nearby villages to discover the sources of a murrain on the flocks.
  4. Murrain was usually fatal, while hoof and mouth disease permanently weakened animals without causing death.
  5. I believed that a murrain would fall on the hens that he kept on his house-top, a wasting illness on the sheep that he kept by his door.
  6. He was glad to hear that their priests were telling the people that the potato murrain was a visitation of the Almighty; he only hoped they went on to draw the full lesson.
  7. A murrain on Aunt Millicent!

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