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Перевод: namesake speek namesake

тезка ; человек, названный в честь кого-л.


  1. Hugh Capet paved the way for his son and namesake to be crowned king of France at Reims in 987.
  2. Modelled on its Princeton namesake, it is funded mainly by the state of Berlin.
  3. He had been a raging success in Spain but was lured back to England by his namesake manager in the belief that his international prospects would be considerably improved.
  4. He did not die until 1951, five years after his namesake and distant kinsman, our John Cranko, arrived in England.
  5. Mr Lo thus put himself in the forefront of consensus politics in Hong Kong, thereby leaving his unrelated namesake, Lo Tak-shing, to seize the high ground further to the right.
  6. The 23 bedrooms are named after former residents of Frith Street: the 18th-century essayist and hotel's namesake William Hazlitt; Charles Lamb; and Jonathan Swift.
  7. That, police said later, was just one of many differences between him and the super-rich daredevil namesake.
  8. Her namesake, Jane Austen, she supposed, had found the same, so she invented Darcy and Mr Knightley.
  9. From the outset of their relationship it was clear to Noddy's owner that his new acquisition, like his toy-town namesake, was very fond of motor cars.
  10. A month before he went up in 1897 his father's first cousin (and namesake) had been struck by the lad's awkward manners, silent gaucherie, unsuitable dress, and down-covered chin; three years later Edward returned the visit in a colours blazer, accompanied by his wife and his eight-months-old son.
  11. "Mama, she is so like our sister-in-law - I do wish she could stay with us," said nine-year-old Anne who had a special affinity with her namesake.
  12. The idea was mooted to make the Bundesrat more powerful when the constitution was being drawn up: it might have resembled its much more powerful namesake under Bismarck's truly federal constitution.

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