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Перевод: naphthalene speek naphthalene

нафталин [хим.]


  1. And yeah, he had a great big bag of er naphthalene balls, and of course he, he went to a, near the villagers down here in and he knocked the door with a stick you ken?
  2. The curve in the middle shows what happens when a mixture of benzene and naphthalene is cooled.
  3. Store clothes in a moth-proof container, such as a suitcase, with dried rosemary and mint rather than mothballs which contain naphthalene.
  4. It can be seen in table 12.2, that T g increases with increasing V in the progressive series, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and poly (vinyl naphthalene).
  5. I could taste iron in the air, and naphthalene.
  6. There was old , old only sold one thing and that was naphthalene balls, you ken?
  7. Solid begins to form at point A. Depending on the composition of the mixture, the solid will be either benzene or naphthalene.
  8. Naphthalene also forms molecular crystals.
  9. If we plot points A and B for mixtures of benzene and naphthalene ranging from pure benzene to pure naphthalene we obtain the phase diagram shown in figure 6.29.
  10. They had been salted away in mothballs and smelt of naphthalene.
  11. Figure 6.28 shows the cooling curves for pure benzene, pure naphthalene and a mixture of the two.
  12. The Colonel had recalled exciting nights he had spent in the open, round the naphthalene lamp, enticing and trapping moths; he had enthused over bits of bone he had excavated in the peat bog.

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