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Перевод: narrow speek narrow

узкий; тесный; ограниченный; небольшой; подробный; тщательный; точный; скупой; трудный; с незначительным перевесом;
узкий проход; теснина ; узкая часть пролива; узкая часть; узкость ;
суживать; уменьшать; ограничивать; суживаться; уменьшаться; теснить


  2. The cryogenic trap collects and focuses all extracted analytes in a discrete narrow band which maintains chromatographic integrity and efficient peak shape.
  3. This latter has been discussed by Cater (1987) who states that " the development of tourism has been regarded as a panacea for the economic malaise of many of the least developed countries (LDCs) faced with a narrow resource base and serious balance of payment difficulties".
  4. In 1971 Lady Onslow was working as a volunteer for Teamwork Associates, a charity which sought to keep ex-Borstal boys on the straight and narrow.
  5. On the Croydon side of this bridge, at the foot of the approach, there was single track in the very narrow Lower Church Street.
  6. I do not rule out a Labour government, pinned down by a narrow majority, seeking to enact at least some of its social legislation through a supportive EC.
  7. From Harrop Tarn the packhorse route leads on to Blea Tarn (1.5 miles) and then down to the small hamlet of Watendlath (2 miles), situated at the end of a narrow valley next to a small tarn.
  8. The brassie is equivalent to the No. 2 wood (which had a brass plate on the sole to save wear when used on the fairway), whereas the jigger (a narrow faced club with a little loft) is approximately to the "chipper" enjoying some popularity today.
  9. Its steep, wooded, narrow gorges with 600ft cliffs and fast flowing mountain streams with waterfalls cascading literally hundreds of feet are enough to tempt any enthusiastic walker.
  10. Her crew were all rescued, but it was discovered that the Delima was not, in fact, a water-carrier, as had originally been claimed, but a support ship for a massive fleet of between 60 and 130 Taiwanese drift-net vessels, fishing for albacore tuna along an area of oceanic upwelling known as the Subtropical Convergence Zone, stretching across the South Pacific in a narrow 300-km (200-mile) band from south of the Cook Islands to south of French Polynesia.
  11. There is no bumping into the man in front as we cross the fields and move along the narrow Normandy lanes.
  12. It is not suitable to put a lift on a very narrow stairway.
  13. The walk began by following a track which climbed steeply up a narrow, twisting valley.

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