Перевод: navigation
[существительное] навигация ; судоходство; мореходство; кораблевождение; судовождение; самолетовождение; вождение; аэронавигация ; плавание; морское путешествие; воздушное путешествие
- East of the town centre is the link between the Don Navigation and the Aire and Calder Navigation, a lock built in 1804.
- Relatively few cost/benefit studies have yet been carried out except in such areas as crop prediction and ocean navigation (where they are generally shown to be highly advantageous in saving someone else's money).
- Hence, in 1839, the Arun Navigation Company erected a substantial brick-built warehouse on the Newbridge site and this wharf quickly became a busy centre for the collection and conveyance of agricultural produce from the Billingshurst area until competition from the newly constructed railway robbed the canal of most of its traffic in the late 1860s.
- in such a condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious buildings; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
- It could be that Navigation Mixte is teaming up to buy Paribas or that friendly defenders of Paribas such as Axa-Midi are strengthening their holdings.
- Please note that to be classed as an infant, in accordance with Air Navigation Article 34, a child must be under 2 years of age on the date of their return flight.
- The heel is unchamfered, which means there is a sizeable lump of wood in your hand at the top of the neck, but not so much that it seriously hazards navigation on the high Ds.
- To make most rivers navigable, the water level must be raised by building weirs; there is little doubt that the navigation structures built on the Leicestershire Soar in the 1770s worsened the local drainage, as did eighteenth- and nineteenth-century navigation works on the Thames and in Somerset.
- Different considerations press forward, however, when we move on to the various situations in which known risks ought to be guarded against: bad driving of a motor vehicle may carry an obvious risk of causing death or serious injury, as may bad navigation of a ship or an aircraft, bad driving of a train, setting fire to a residential building, and the handling of firearms.
- He advertised, "Instruction in writing in the various hands, merchants" accounts by the Italian method of Double Entry, arithmetic in all its branches, algebra etc., plain and spherical trigonometry and geometry, drafting, navigation, the use of the globes, planisphere etc".
- Aire Calder Navigation
- What miracle of navigation brought these baby eels from their birthplace in the Sargasso sea to their ancestral waters in the River Severn, nobody knew.
- Navigation by the sun and stars almost always took the same course as the tyre-tracks.
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