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Перевод: nomenclature speek nomenclature

терминология ; номенклатура ; список ; перечень


  1. Differences of opinion on nomenclature were rife at this time.
  2. Parallel to these activities, other standardisation bodies ( eg ASTM and BSI) and scientists have also dealt with nomenclature for gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, exclusion chromatography, and planar chromatography.
  3. As the name implies, the initial intention was more general than the agenda item and inorganic chemical nomenclature was included.
  4. The main consequence of these discussions was to set up an International Commission of Chemical Nomenclature to continue the work started at the conference.
  5. They do one thing that systematic nomenclature cannot do - they make the subject user-friendly with a familiar "feel" to it.
  6. It is possible to see in a catalogue of this sort the origins of the very exact nomenclature found in many of Mary Leapor's landscape descriptions (see chapter three below).
  7. The Commission on Analytical Nomenclature of IUPAC has been active for a long time in establishing nomenclature for chromatography.
  8. On the basis of these developments it was decided to prepare a new, up-to-date universal chromatography nomenclature, which also takes into account the recommendations incorporated in the various other nomenclature systems developed since the original work of IUPAC.
  9. The original activity of the commission, aimed at creating a unified nomenclature applicable to all forms of chromatography, took place over 10 years ago.
  10. I began this discussion by saying that adherence to systematic nomenclature is a limiting kind of freedom.
  11. The scientific name has the great advantage of being the same all over the world, so the language of nomenclature is a truly international one.
  12. This document, prepared for the commission by Dr L.S. Ettre, considers all the previous nomenclature systems mentioned above as well as three publications by Ettre dealing with chromatography nomenclature.

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