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Перевод: nonresident speek nonresident

приезжий; иногородний;
человек, не проживающий постоянно в одном месте; владелец, не проживающий в своем поместье; священник, не проживающий в своем приходе


  1. The best known was Whittingham House, twenty miles from Edinburgh, described by an admiring nonresident as "a little Jerusalem in Britain's green and pleasant land".
  2. If a nonresident wishes to make a tax effective gift out of UK source income he should use a Deed of Covenant.
  3. Whereas in Exeter cathedral, where endowments were modest and equally divided among the chapter members, only a quarter of the twenty-four canons were nonresident during Edward II's reign, in the cathedrals of York, Lincoln, Wells, Salisbury and Lichfield between two thirds and three quarters of the canons were occupied elsewhere.

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