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Перевод: normalize speek normalize

нормализовать; упорядочивать; стандартизировать; нормировать


  1. Standard floating.point instructions normalize the result of each arithmetic operation; this is known as post-normalization.
  2. If we assume that aggregate output is a function of the mean inheritance and mean labour capacity, and that the latter has converged to its equilibrium value (which we can then normalize at unity, ), then output per man at time u may be written as .
  3. "Lotus" Oil acts to normalize oily skin with ultra gentle effectiveness.
  4. For example the extended arithmetic element on the DEC PDP-8 has a normalize instruction which shifts the accumulator and MQ register left (inserting zeros at the right-hand end), until the most and next most significant bits of the accumulator are different.
  5. The subject is the possibility of an attempt to normalize relations with Argentina, not the sovereignty of the Falklands, which is the "Great Unmentionable" of mid-eighties Whitehall.
  6. We have already noted how deviance is amplified upon the application of the gouger typification, so that the failure to apply it can result in a dissipation of deviance and an attempt to normalize the behaviour.
  7. If we are to establish how and to what extent routine policing is affected by Northern Ireland's divisions, it would be useless to base our research where there is only militarized political policing (even though there are at least formal attempts to try to normalize policing in areas of high tension), for it is necessary to explore the extent to which policing in so-called "soft" areas is contaminated by wider societal conflicts.
  8. There are often in fact close connections between the formal and conscious beliefs of a class or other group and the cultural production associated with it: sometimes direct connections with the beliefs, in included manifest content; often traceable connections to the relations, perspectives and values which the beliefs legitimize or normalize, as in characteristic selections (emphases and omissions) of subject; often, again, analysable connections between belief-systems and artistic forms, or between both and an essentially underlying "position and positioning" in the world.
  9. Show how the normalize instruction described on page 48 would be used to convert a two's complement binary number to a fraction and exponent for use in floating-point arithmetic.
  10. Moisture regulating - Multi-Active Day Cream allows the skin to continuously normalize its hydration level.
  11. This usually takes the form of a special left shift instruction to simplify normalization, sometimes called shift and count or (more unfortunately) normalize.
  12. Peach extract and ginkgo-biloba help normalize the hydration level of the skin, whilst camomile, red poppy and sandalwood act to decongest and shea butter; moringa, wheatgerm and almond extracts nourish and revitalize.
  13. However, while acknowledging the need to "normalize" education, it aims to challenge the assumptions of the DET, not least their refusal (up until March 1990) to shift black children from overcrowded township classrooms into empty places in white schools.

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