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Перевод: obloquy speek obloquy

позор ; злословие; оскорбление; поношение


  1. And on top of these there is, of course, the moral obloquy attendant on the cowardly betrayal of a visitor to this shore.
  2. After enduring years of contempt and obloquy, Neil Kinnock was ready to step into No 10.
  3. With his death on the brink of independence, he receives all the acclaim for this achievement and none of the obloquy attached to subsequent conflicts: even though his former BNA and his PVO became heavily involved in the insurgency.
  4. I trust you, you're not a fool, you know what could happen if you got up to some mischief out there," and her fingers described general obloquy with a sweeping gesture of abolition, "and then you'll never get a husband either.
  5. Yet that note of sweet reasonableness has often been muffled, not to say drowned out, by his thunderous overtures of obloquy and symphonies of disgust.
  6. What the Court of Appeal wanted to do in Ghosh was to punish only those people to whom moral obloquy was attached.
  7. "Without wishing to expose myself to obloquy, as you exposed friend Harq before we all became colleagues -"
  8. For Cadfael was certain that Tutilo had never done violence to any man, and must not be marked with that obloquy for life.
  9. No small group of favourites emerged to monopolize access to the king or royal patronage: even the Hainaulters at court attracted little of the obloquy that surrounded the Savoyards and Henry III's court, and the families which had suffered forfeiture in the political violence between 1322 and 1330 were gradually restored.
  10. No one, suggested a judge in a leading case, should be held to be guilty of theft by reason of conduct to which no moral obloquy could reasonably attach.
  11. The Empress was held up to obloquy as an empty and frivolous woman while the Emperor was denounced as a degenerate debauchee, their only common interests being a desire for power and extravagant spectacle.
  12. Before 1914 he earned himself obloquy in some quarters by urging a less provocative British stance towards Germany.

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