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Перевод: obsolete speek obsolete

вышедший из употребления; устарелый; рудиментарный; атрофированный; отживший


  1. It was in fact going to be a "complex" process, since it would require "permanent, steady and patient activity to delete from people's minds the remains of the past, the obsolete conceptions, mentalities and customs, and to cultivate a new attitude towards work, life and society."
  2. Such knowledge is progressive, rendering earlier versions of itself obsolete, and it circulates quickly and visibly through the accepted professional channels, like journals and conference-papers.
  3. The Ombudsman has instructed societies to make sure customers are kept fully informed about interest rates and, in particular, obsolete accounts.
  4. Of much greater practical significance, and by no means obsolete, is the power to punish for contempt.
  5. Watkins also gives meanings for the obsolete word "leye" as, firstly, an island, and secondly, flame, blaze or fire, both, as we have seen, relating to the laying out of the old straight track.
  6. Imagine working with plant that was obsolete even before it was installed in the 1940s.
  7. He is finally rejected by the devious, arrogant Keith, who informs him that he is "obsolete" because he does not "know how to make things happen".
  8. The assumption that the cultural achievements of the past are actually obsolete is more likely to be implied than so explicitly stated, but it is a logical implication of a progressivist concept of knowledge.
  9. They were not spending their resources on obsolete weaponry.
  10. In other words it rendered, at a stroke, conventional Class B circuits obsolete for serious audio systems.
  11. Apart from her, the only item in the room that didn't look old and obsolete was the computer over which the three men were crouched, talking earnestly.
  12. These "obsolete accounts" usually pay derisory rates, but many people don't notice.
  13. A writer in the Town Planning Review trumpeted that train-sheds were now obsolete: "modern terminals in great cities must be below street level hereafter".

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