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Перевод: occurrence speek occurrence

происшествие; случай ; месторождение; залегание руды; вхождение; местонахождение; распространение


  1. Some twenty years later the District Judge at Kagalla found similar attitudes: "It is a common occurrence for persons to see an animal being driven away under very suspicious circumstances, and yet, although perhaps living within a stone's throw of the owner, they take no trouble to go and tell him what they have seen, and probably say nothing about it until they meet him looking for his stolen animal, three or four days afterward; of course then the recovery is hopeless!"
  2. The actor, in attempting to subject himself spontaneously to an occurrence and at the same time communicate that occurrence to an audience, is experiencing an unresolvable tension.
  3. Following the occurrence of triazine herbicides in ground and drinking water, British Rail - which used triazines to control weeds on railway lines - has switched to diuron, imazapyr, triclopyr and, in E Anglia, glyphosate.
  4. The best way to avoid bad habits is to anticipate the possibility of their occurrence and to be careful how we handle and train horses.
  5. The fire which had started early that morning must have been very fierce as only the walls were left standing and from the ruins there was that horrible fire-damp smell which pervades the site for weeks after such an occurrence.
  6. For the making of contracts by a corporation the Common Law required a document under the corporation's common seal, except in matters of trifling importance or daily necessary occurrence.
  7. (It is interesting to note that the frequency of occurrence of the OR actually declined during conditioning for the control subjects.
  8. In practice parents' associations are incredibly supportive and these problems are a rare occurrence.
  9. The PSI report indicates that roughly half of the London population have serious doubts about the standard of police conduct, although in most cases police misconduct was not seen as a normal, everyday occurrence.
  10. From the earlier chapters it is apparent that myocardial infarction is an all-too-frequent occurrence in diabetic patients, whether they are insulin-dependent or not.
  11. However, this sort of explanation does not seem to hold up in the face of evidence that football hooliganism is by no means a uniquely modern, post-1960 occurrence.
  12. But the Beecham drug company, which produces its own monitor of flu occurrence in Britain, says its scale of between 100 to 300 shows an epidemic rating of 200.
  13. Their occurrence seems to be cyclic and may well express the evolution of levels of consciousness.

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