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Перевод: offensive speek offensive

оскорбительный; обидный; противный; наступательный; отвратительный; агрессивный;
наступление; наступательная операция


  1. After the FMLN offensive which began 12 days ago and cost an estimated 1,300 lives, the capital was reported calm yesterday.
  2. Given the choice of a property tax or a modified poll tax - either of them offensive to a large swathe of Tory MPs, both of them defensible - Mr Major chose a bit of both.
  3. The best we can hope for realistically is that beam weapons can provide the type of defensive security blanket that would help the US and Soviet Union to reduce their reliance on offensive nuclear weapons.
  4. Somehow the visual jarring of primary coloured wet weather gear is less offensive in the brightly painted Main Street of Tobermory, especially in the rain.
  5. From Dennis's drunken hints that memorable evening in Ramillies Drive I had gathered that the reason for this was Karen's sterility, so I was somewhat surprised to find her going on the offensive.
  6. The same even goes for the JP233, arguably the most useful offensive weapon of the war so far.
  7. Your leader column ( MW March 27) contains grossly inaccurate and offensive remarks about British Airways.
  8. For this reason, adultery should be seen for what it has become, an act of sexual conduct which takes on a symbolic character if offensive to the other partner.
  9. The author describes himself as "a man of no profession, and following this and every other pursuit through a general and independent love of science, and a desire of substituting its just authority in every part of science to the offensive usurpation of ignorance and imposture".
  10. Disordered hair is constantly used to reflect social chaos by the police and is a prime signifier of everything that is offensive to the world of "real polising".
  11. Many terms used in medical classifications are now no longer in general use because they are now considered offensive.
  12. I regard age discrimination, or ageism, as being as offensive and pernicious as sexism and racism.
  13. But this morning, I must say, I found it quite offensive and it may well have been the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation had been that caused me to set off up the footpath.

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