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Перевод: officer speek officer

чиновник ; служащий ; должностное лицо; полицейский ; офицер ; офицерский состав; член правления; капитан торгового судна;
обеспечивать офицерским составом; командовать; укомплектовывать офицерским составом


  1. The questions, listed for today in the Commons order paper, ask whether the fraud squad had the copy, if any disciplinary action had been taken against any officer and whether criminal inquiries are being pursued.
  2. "Good show, well I'm the clothing officer.
  3. Reid developed a rather more interesting objection, one made earlier by Berkeley, which puts the case of a general who is conscious of things he did as an officer, but no longer conscious, as he was when an officer, of what he did as a boy.
  4. In those days although the role of personnel officer was less accepted, the major film studios had hordes of people concerned with finding the right faces to fit the parts.
  5. We arrived at our new lodging in Althorp Street, Bedford, feeling a little suspicious, as the Billeting Officer protested rather too much that the billetors were anxious to have us.
  6. Robert Miller, Chrysler's chief financial officer, said in London yesterday that the two companies were "exploring the possibility for joint European ventures".
  7. More than 10 years passed before a reporter at the Capital Times of Madison discovered that Strickland, in mid-1971, had become a stockholder and officer in a corporation set up by Heber to sell the very techniques of educational intervention that Strickland credited in his article.
  8. But the big success of the evening was Freda's - she ended up by getting engaged to a Flying Officer navigator whom she had never set eyes on until that night.
  9. There he discussed the details with an R.A.F. officer who, although none of the party had jumped before, was most helpful.
  10. The Highways and Planning departments are separate organisations within the local authority, each under the control of a specialist Chief Officer and with a range of responsibilities, including:
  11. Mrs Shephard, 52, a former inspector of schools and senior education officer, has always joked that nothing could have prepared her more for being thrown into the deep end than leaving Cromer, where her father was a cattle dealer, for St Hilda's College, Oxford, where she read modern languages.
  12. Although there is certainly no clear-cut distinction, there seem to have been in recent years two rather separate major usages of this term (and related terms such as "chief information officer";, "information system", "information centre", "end user", and so on) in the literature.
  13. If an applicant is uncertain as to his plans after marriage, the entry clearance officer should treat it as an application for settlement, and consider whether all the requirements for settlement are satisfied.

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