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Перевод: ogre speek ogre

чудовище; великан-людоед ; ужасный человек


  1. Gomer would be standing at the top of the steps, lounging against the porch pillars; an ogre with his two-tailed knotted whip.
  2. He has been likened to Shakespeare's Iago, to the Scottish grave-robbers Burke and Hare, to an ogre, to a rottweiler.
  3. Below centre: Scott nursing his broken legs after a traumatic descent of The Ogre.
  4. "You make me sound like an ogre."
  5. Otto Preminger - or Otto the Ogre - was another Viennese-born film director who established himself as a man many loved to hate.
  6. The youngest son always knew it was only he who would pass the ogre and find the Grail.
  7. And hundreds of steam fans who see diesels as the soulless railways ogre of the modern age certainly had the last chuckle at Holyhead.
  8. All three Ogres are very superstitious, and if the adventurers use some type of clearly visible magical effect each Ogre must make a Cl test.
  9. If any Ogre is reduced to 3 Wounds or below, it must make a Ld test or attempt to flee.
  10. However, when the replacement director proved inept, Zanuck reinstated Preminger, and Otto the Ogre continued to direct - and stir up trouble - until his death in 1986.
  11. Insets, left to right: High on the West Ridge of The Ogre in the Karakoram.
  12. ogre in the story book,
  13. Such, briefly, was the young schoolmistress in the slum school, caught with the tawse in her hand, and hating herself for being caught this way - these crying children, and feeling like an ogre.

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