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Перевод: oily speek oily

масляный; маслянистый; жирный; льстивый; вкрадчивый; елейный


  1. As Selwyn rummaged around the shed for his tools, Barney Summerville came out of the garage wiping his hands on an oily rag.
  2. All four racks are crammed with fish as oily as a politician's smile.
  3. There were no traces of blood now, just a damp oily film where the mother's tongue had licked it clean.
  4. A partial parasite, mistletoe relies on birds such as thrushes eating its oily berries and dropping the seeds out at the other end on to the branches of trees where they perch.
  5. Despite the lack of wind, over the past hour a swell had built beyond the reef - a strange, almost oily swell that rose in long humps only to collapse back on itself as if exhausted by the effort.
  6. Pizza dough is more oily than a standard bread dough.
  7. Take on example: after the twisting, oily chromaticisms which crown the development section of (i) the big "Tchaikovskian" tune returns emphatically as a heart-warming eruption.
  8. The geopolitical impact of such a process, shifting the balance of power from oily areas to starchy areas of the world, is nicely explained.
  9. Meat should not be eaten more than once a day; and fish is increasingly thought of as healthier - oily fish is useful in the prevention of heart disease and arthritis - and you may feel it is worth substituting fish for meat as a main meal twice a week.
  10. The oily swell of the river beyond.
  11. A multi-millionairess with a fortune estimated at more than 10 million, a property tycoon in Australia where she was spending a fortune renovating her latest acquisition, a mammoth Victorian town house in the Melbourne suburbs, a singer poised to come of age with a backing band of her own and a world tour - the hologramic face of high technology in Japan, how could she ever again have been expected to have slipped into oily dungarees to tinker with the engine of a Land Rover?
  12. "Give it a rest, Jack," he said, wiping his hands on an oily rag.
  13. Oily water glittered through gaps in the teak boards as we climbed the gangplank.

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