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Перевод: omnibus speek omnibus

общедоступный; охватывающий несколько предметов или пунктов;
автобус ; омнибус ; однотомник ; объемистый сборник


  1. The Conservatives' desperation to devise a counter-programme for the land, and the disagreements it provoked, demonstrate the degree of confusion which still existed in the Conservative ranks and the immense problems they still faced before the "rampant omnibus" of the Great War rescued them by running down their opponents.
  2. Omnibus chronicled all this with exemplary thoroughness but finally elided the real aesthetic questions - of a battle between art that invites the viewer to think and art that passes through the mind leaving only a sugary trace of complacent pleasure.
  3. Published by Omnibus (8.95), it features in-depth interviews with key cultural figures alongside a directory of 100 prominent young designers, artists, musicians and media brats.
  4. Humorous account of the behaviour of omnibus "cads" and passengers.
  5. On that terrain, the patrol constable gradually learnt the tricks of the trade - the verbal tricks to diffuse confrontations, and when to use the ultimate omnibus body of legal weapons, backed up by the stick and the fist.
  6. During that time he sought inspiration and enrichment of the texture of the story in the surrounding countryside, in the paintings of Turner ("What he paints chiefly is light as modified by objects ") and Romney ("I am struck by the red glow of his backgrounds, and his red flesh shades"), in the faces of women he met at dinner parties or saw by chance in a passing omnibus.
  7. One of the most popular forms of transport in London at that time was the omnibus drawn by a pair of horses - worked for three hours a day, with a rest every half-mile - which, by 1890, had become double-deckers with an outside staircase at the back, and which held up to twenty-six passengers.
  8. An omnibus awaited us, and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house.
  9. The newly-elected councillor is advised to take advantage of making an omnibus declaration of any of his interests which may come into conflict with these provisions.
  10. In London, the General Omnibus Company introduced a new double-decker bus - still with an open upper deck - with a 28 H.P. petrol engine, and capable of carrying forty-six passengers.
  11. On April 30 Omnibus publish Johnny Rogan's epic account of the rise and fall of the Smiths, Morrissey and Marr: The Severed Alliance.
  12. An omnibus company was held liable for the act of one of its drivers, who overturned a rival omnibus while racing with it and obstructing it, although directions had been issued to the driver forbidding such conduct.

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