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Перевод: on speek on

удачный; хороший; желающий принять участие; знающий тайну или секрет;
левая сторона;
у; относительно; по; в; касательно; на; в течение; во время; о; об; согласно; из; после; за


  1. Then began the detailed work on the face and hands, the most taxing phase for both artist and subject.
  2. As you might expect, the message of these hieroglyphs was nothing less than the instructions as to how to build an antigravity propulsion unit (based on magnetism), like the ones which the Venusians, had used in -;their-; spacefaring days.
  3. The yellow one muttered a remark to her companion, who laughed and sucked on a cigarette.
  4. Barney gave in to her pleas, and agreed to transport the canoe down to the Little Avon river on the roof-rack of the Armstrong after lunch.
  5. Chapels on this pattern were barely distinguishable from parish churches of the same period and they both fitted perfectly into the leafy suburbs for which they were intended.
  6. On one very hot night in June 1982 Dave and Tony went fishing in a rather remote area of wasteland that bordered a disused railway line.
  7. On the other hand, the sport climbs on Polney's Myopics buttress at Dunkeld, are acceptable within the policy (and with most anti bolters), but have recently been removed!
  8. He said it would take some time to redress the imbalance in spending on black and white children when five times as much is still spent on each white child as on each black child.
  9. Finding Faith Today is a major report on evangelism, based on research carried out by the Bible Society on behalf of the Church Together in England.
  10. Daffodil Quentin's runner, Pampering, had been flown in with five others owned by people on the train, all of whom were strolling around with rosettes and almost permanently smiling faces.
  11. The armourers all slept in a long room on the first floor, with J. in a small room to himself at the end, and it so happened that Matthew occupied the corresponding small room immediately underneath on the ground floor.
  12. Philip kept his eyes on the fish tank in the corner of the living-room.
  13. Another bonus is that, depending on variety, they are suitable for growing in various depths of water.

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