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Перевод: openness speek openness

прямота ; откровенность ; очевидность


  1. They are encouraged by the openness of the informational market-place to pursue blithely and openly any objective they choose, without fear of recrimination.
  2. No state has found it easy to give up an empire with dignity, but Mr Gorbachev is doing it now with extraordinary openness.
  3. In particular, though I noted that the farmers distinguished between different scientific sources, they credited scientists at the local Institute of Terrestrial Ecology at Merlewood with more openness about the scientific uncertainties.
  4. Before January 20th Saudi television, with un-Saudi openness, was broadcasting CNN live.
  5. Such an openness would be seen increasingly in Four Quartets .
  6. that requires openness on the part of the majority, and, on the part of the ethnic minorities themselves, a determination to participate fully in the life of the wider community.
  7. The greater the openness of the boundary, the greater the potential capacity to negotiate across it; the greater the number of open boundaries, the greater the potential power available to the social actors to promote a dialectical relation with the outside world, to actively influence the processes, policies and events that touch their lives Conversely, the fewer open boundaries there are perceived to be and the more closed, the more powerlessness and passivity is likely to be manifest in relation to the outside world.
  8. The face had an openness and a gentleness that were not there to the same degree in this new Elsie who was more poised, a little more distant.
  9. Pei's openness uses the outside so that it seems as inviting as the interior.
  10. The question now is whether this openness, of which the common access protocol Tramp is a crucial component, will set the standard for cooperation between London's fragmented futures and options exchanges.
  11. Even within the bounds of their overwhelming devotion to Gothic they showed by the end of the century an openness to new styles which other denominations were not as quick to learn.
  12. It is also arguable that non-disclosure is inconsistent with a policy of greater openness.
  13. An openness of mind to the European religious reaction against liberal Protestantism, represented especially by Karl Barth.

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