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Перевод: operate speek operate

действовать; оказывать влияние; работать; оперировать; производить операции; приводить в движение; приводиться в движение; управлять; заведовать; управляться; разрабатывать; эксплуатировать


  1. For the reasons given above, Handy believes these days will never return if the economy is left to operate on normal market mechanisms.
  2. He travelled as a seaman to Sydney where he won the Australian heavyweight title before transferring to San Francisco where he was persuaded by the Earl of Lonsdale to operate in England, a move which enhanced his status greatly, as a contemporary noted: "I knew him in the days of his greatness when sitting on top of the pugilistic world, fted and lionized, he might well have been excused some slight vanity" (quoted by Henderson, 1949, pp.20-;1).
  3. Partners are now expected to know a lot more about the broader picture of how businesses operate, not simply those areas relating to accountancy.
  4. A second routine examination under anaesthetic in January 1972 resulted in the decision to operate.
  5. What is not rubbish is that an attempt to operate modern cars on low octane fuel for any extended period of time is likely to have very severe consequences for the engine.
  6. But by the end of July 1950 the need for Anglo-American solidarity outweighed the military disadvantages, and the Cabinet agreed to the formulation of a brigade group to operate in Korea under American command.
  7. And Carlo Rubbia, from CERN, along with David Cline, from the University of Wisconsin, and Peter McIntyre proposed an ingenious way to convert existing accelerators such as the 450 GeV Super Proton Synchroton (SPS) at CERN, to operate as particle colliders.
  8. It is strongly recommended that after this operation the unit should be allowed to reform up to strength and be retrained as a parachute unit, and it should not be required to operate again before May.
  9. All of this is looking more than hopeful and plans are to operate ZS-BXI Daisy (as she will be known) in the orange, blue and green colours of the DASA logo in due course.
  10. In one sense, businesses are licensed by the community to operate and you have to work within the terms of the licence, which tend to change.
  11. Franchises look and operate like ordinary shops, as far as the customer is concerned.
  12. Most of the expert stunt flyers operate with hands at waist level pulling back from extended arms to hips, and this range of push and pull enables them to fly through an incredible range of manoeuvres.
  13. The Hull man appeared to have the angles covered when Ferguson rocked back on his heels to accept Ian Potter's pass, but despite a standing start and only inches in which to operate, Fergie whisked past on the outside.

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