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Перевод: opinion speek opinion

мнение; воззрение; взгляд ; убеждение; мнение или заключение специалиста; заключение специалиста; судебное решение


  1. The proposal to abolish corporal punishment as a judicial penalty was approved, although the minutes record the Lord Chancellor, Lord Jowitt, as saying that he was still of the opinion that it would be unwise to abolish the powers of courts to pass sentences of corporal punishment, and would have favoured the retention of the use of the birch.
  2. Dicey recognized that this practice was "due, in part, to the whole current of legislative opinion in favour of extending the sphere of the State's authority" since the courts themselves, being obliged to act in accordance with "the strict rules of law", were unsuited to "manage a mass of public business".
  3. I want your opinion, that's all.
  4. As the election approached, voters' awareness of opinion polls became less dependent upon their interest in politics and on whether they read the highbrow press rather than the tabloids.
  5. Not surprisingly, Mrs Thatcher has polarized public opinion more than other party leaders.
  6. That is a professional opinion."
  7. A meeting in March should have resolved some of the present issues but the long-term future of the Biennale still presents difficulties: "Let's have the centenary then close the Biennale down for good" is the recent opinion of Gianni de Michelis, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  8. But despite the differences of opinion that exist - ones that are generally between individuals rather than any factions based on club or country - there is one area of consensus that prevails: That any new laws be given a trial period of at least one year.
  9. But it was reasonable to believe that, as the international crisis mounted, the politicians would react differently if surrounded by a mass of mobilized and informed opinion than if left to their own devices.
  10. They are equally a force in the Conservative Party and provide a high proportion of the leaders of public opinion in the media and elsewhere.
  11. My own opinion is that all cold-blooded animals are endowed with responsive behaviour that can be mistaken for higher intelligence, when what we are really dealing with are reflex actions to given stimuli - as in Pavlov's dogs, which salivated when a bell they associated with food was rung.
  12. In the event of a dispute between Programmers over any matter arising under or in connection with this Agreement, then (after full discussion with the Programmers) the opinion of the Publisher shall prevail.
  13. "So I gathered," I said dryly, "and would you also ask which horses are running at Winnipeg and which at Vancouver, and which in Bill's opinion is the really best horse on the train, not necessarily on form, and which has the best chance of winning either race."

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