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Перевод: oppressed



  1. He butts his head against a wall and in consequence feels oppressed by the wall
  2. "Like Jesus, the advocate of the poor and oppressed, the believing community is invited - at times obliged in justice - to show love for the the voiceless who live in situations of hopelessness."
  3. But the odds were weighted against reason, and other parts of the mind, like some Resistance movement long held down in an oppressed country, came out into the open.
  4. Lenin's division of nationalism into that of the oppressed and that of the oppressor offered a special type of answer to Rosa Luxemburg, a dual policy:
  5. At the same time as he was engaged in more political work, Marx attempted to rewrite the history of mankind for the use of the oppressed, so that they would be able to understand the nature of the oppression to which they were subjected, and how it had come about.
  6. He ended by saying that the prospect of a Labour government was a beacon of hope for millions of striving and oppressed people throughout the world.
  7. The challenge to the accepted claims of the major national liberation movements came not only from the unpropertied, but also from lesser movements; the Germans, the Poles, the Hungarians, the Italians found their claims undermined by those who felt themselves oppressed by these dominant peoples.
  8. Imagining his Sara "all oppressed with gloom", Coleridge's spontaneous reply was a poem set in the descriptive frame of an evening visit to Shurton Bars, the coastal area lying beyond a rich tract of open fields to the north of Shurton Court.
  9. Some rejected entirely any talk of self-government or treating the Ukrainians as an oppressed people.
  10. the proletarian party must first of all advocate the proclamation and immediate realization of the complete freedom of secession from Russia of all the nations and peoples who were oppressed by Tsarism, or who were forcibly joined to or forcibly kept within the boundaries of the State.
  11. Its narrator and chief human presence is by no means straightforwardly a victim, and the difference between oppressor and oppressed can be hard to identify.
  12. If you look at who are meant to be "Ethnic", white women should realise that they can never be oppressed in the same way as can Black women.
  13. "Councils are supposed to provide sites for them but they don't," I protested, feeling a sudden sympathy for an oppressed minority.

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