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Перевод: oriole speek oriole

иволга [зоол.]


  1. A golden oriole lay on its side in the twilight of a banana grove; a column of ants was passing to and from the bedraggled corpse.
  2. Small wonder then, that the inexperienced eye of Charles Darwin mistook the warbler finch for a "wren" or a warbler, and the cactus finch for a member of the oriole and black-bird family.
  3. There is also a re-issue of The Encyclopaedia of Golf Collectibles, revealing that a matched set of irons, "Harmonised Irons", could be obtained from MacGregor way back in 1926, and that golf balls coloured oriole orange and canary yellow were available from Wilson in 1928.
  4. "Golden oriole!"
  5. There had been oriole rumours circulating earlier.

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