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Перевод: ostracism speek ostracism

остракизм ; изгнание из общества


  1. And this is why, in spite of the years of ostracism, it was possible for the Springboks to lose by only three points to the All Blacks and 23 points to the Wallabies.
  2. But more complex emotions creep in at the fringes of the tale, where the grandfather's ostracism of the man his daughter loves leads to several fraught emotional scenes.
  3. As a result bankrupts often have to face the ostracism of their friends, and sometimes even of their own families.
  4. If the issue of a hung parliament arises in the future, we should be asked if we want to hold an ostracism.
  5. This displeasure can range from mild disapproval to outright ostracism.
  6. Ostracism, the easiest social solution, is inevitable: "Those of us who are HIV+ are in another kind of concentrtion camp".
  7. A dark close, a dark eerie house with silent people inside, and confused, childish tales of evil spells and horror - all made up for the ostracism of the two Rosin children.
  8. Karen's line on our ostracism was that everything would be all right once people heard she was pregnant.
  9. In practice, I suspect that "contracts" are arrived at as much by religious and ideological persuasion as by rational discourse, and maintained more by the threat of social ostracism than by legal restraint.
  10. About mid-winter every year the members of the Assembly were asked if they wanted to hold an ostracism.
  11. This paradoxical state of affairs is the result of three factors: due, first, to the large number of commanders who, like Wojciech Jaruzelski, trace their formative upbringing to the USSR and the Soviet organised First and Second Polish Armies of the Second World War; secondly, to the social ostracism suffered by officers belonging to an army which prides itself on being the guardian of Communist as well as national values.
  12. Because I was cunning enough to keep my lying within plausible bounds, I was able to deflect too-close questioning and avoid ostracism.
  13. When the Assembly felt itself pulled in too many directions at once, an ostracism did the trick.
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