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Перевод: outmost speek outmost

самый дальний от середины; самый дальний от центра


  1. The brother carefully laid the groundwork for his request to the politician at the outset, pointing out that he had now received his charter and was qualified as a voter and promising that "you may stedfastly rely I will serve your Lordship on all occasions to the outmost of my power".
  2. She may feel, like the Countess of Winchilsea, that her gifts are not valued:" the dull mannage, of a servile house / Is held by some, our outmost art, and use.
  3. To help a friend, such as John Drummond, would always, as Mrs. Campbell remarked, "gain us more friends in his way who have votes and show we don't drop or forget a man who dos to the outmost of their power to serve our interest".

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