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Перевод: overproduction



  1. In an effort to reduce overproduction of food, the suggestion has been made that land in lowland Britain be taken out of agricultural production and forested.
  2. He highlighted the differences by a series of juxtapositions: "over-production" versus "goods famine"; "overproduction of grain' versus "under-production of grain', i.e., disproportion between production and consumption, but in the capitalist countries this took the form of over-production, in the Soviet Union of under-production, "disproportion between various branches of production" etc.
  3. And " as is well known, the crises we are talking about here are crises of overproduction ."
  4. This component of overproduction may therefore be an additional aetiology to that of the clearance defect described above.
  5. It does not want to recognise this specific clash because it does not want to recognise that the entire common agricultural policy rests on a bigger fraud: systematic overproduction of food in Europe, paid for by Europe's taxpayers to please a powerful lobby, Europe's farmers.
  6. In March 1959 the High Authority declared that coal overproduction was such as to constitute a state of "manifest crisis" as that term had been defined by the Treaty of Paris.
  7. It seems a strange edict for an empire so intent on spreading the culture of the vine, but it was one of economy and rationalisation, in an endeavour to effect a balance between the overproduction of wine and the shortage of basic food crops.
  8. Therefore, basing himself on Marx, Bukharin rejected the idea that there can be no general overproduction; instead he argued that there is a causal relationship between the various branches of production which offer each other markets for their respective goods.
  9. It can also control both the quantity and quality of fruit by preventing the overproduction of new, sappy growth at the expense of the fruit, and by halting the production of too many fruit buds at the expense of new, healthy growth which will result in poorer fruit and gradually weaken the vine.
  10. In contrast, in Type 2 diabetes, lipoprotein lipase activity is relatively intact (Nikkila et al, 1977) but overproduction of VLDL is the most likely cause of the hypertriglyceridaemia.
  11. Most alarming of all is that elephantine, lolling mouth under her great ear-flaps, like a Brueghelesque nightmare vagina, baggy with overproduction, famous for gobbling her piglets, magnified and shameless, exuberantly omnivorous and insatiable, swamping the senses".
  12. On the other hand, while the High Authority required the support of the Council in, for example, any attempt to limit output because of overproduction or when seeking an equitable distribution of supplies during a shortage in output, the Council of Ministers was inhibited to some extent because the national governments did not directly finance the ECSC.
  13. As a result, one can indeed envisage a situation in which we have before us an over production in all links of the chain which expresses itself in an over-production of means of consumption, i.e. in an overproduction in relation to the consumer market , which is precisely the expression of a general over-production .

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