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Перевод: oversized speek oversized

больше обычного размера; завышенного габарита


  1. Physical format can affect use - small print, for instance, or the fact that oversized books and pamphlets are located separately and therefore are more difficult to find.
  2. A show of porcelain and polychromed wood sculpture crafted by European artisans, the work looked like oversized airport gift shop souvenirs, or mammoth three-dimensional renderings of the seemingly-innocuous cartoon characters that have ruled the imaginations of generations of TV-bred Americans.
  3. The oversized designs of the Italian team Dolce Gabbana are such a big hit in Britain that the mainstream menswear companies keep them under scrutiny.
  4. The action will affect 107 schools but it is not clear how many have what the union regards as oversized classes.
  5. Champagne's prayers had been answered, the only problem was how to legally recognise what was, technically, an illegally oversized crop.
  6. Councils charged with caring for the public interest start to panic at the thought of this oversized weed with its excruciating sap.
  7. The designs are carefully drawn out (below) before David can attempt any of the oversized carving on a block of lime (below right)
  8. Evidently a class had just finished and the place was boiling with ponies, small children, pink-faced with exertion in oversized helmets covered with bright silks, parents urging them to hurry up and get in cars, and teenage girls bulging out of light jodhpurs organizing the whole.
  9. Appliances plug into slave units which may resemble oversized 13A adaptors.
  10. The proprietor, a young man, even skinnier and shorter than I, with bulging eyes and half a gold tooth, was standing in the doorway wearing an oversized European suit.
  11. Oversized books suffer from the serious disadvantage that they are housed in a separate sequence from the main stock, and are invariably less well used.
  12. In addition to being a hunchback the painter Toulouse-Lautrec suffered from a condition which endowed him with an oversized penis.
  13. She is strikingly unattractive in a bright-green stretchy dress, jumble-sale hat, thick spectacles and slightly protruding teeth; he is a wonderfully bashful, not very good magician in an oversized jacket.

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