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Перевод: packing speek packing

упаковка ; укладка ; паковка ; расфасовка ; укупорка ; прокладка ; упаковочный материал; набивка ; уплотнение; консервирование; навьючивание


  1. "You might as well get as much pleasure as possible out of every situation," she said, packing the dishes away.
  2. Dad and I finished packing his things.
  3. The basket costs just 17.95, inclusive of postage and packing.
  4. The almost wordless scene in which Ma Joad, packing her belongings for the last time, comes across a pair of old earrings and tries them on, recalling some long forgotten happiness, is as touching as anything he ever directed.
  5. To add to his dismay, both his clothing and parachute were so clogged with peat and mud after an interesting landing that I would have paid money to have witnessed, that packing his gear up and walking out with it was out of the question.
  6. The columns are available packed with any of the well known packing media and incorporate a threaded column tube and easy-fit fittings, giving effortless sealing, without constriction of the column tube.
  7. Fothergill wrote to Marshall, advocating William Young's method of packing: plants safely wrapped up in moss and packed very tightly in a box.
  8. There again is the brave Boris Nikolayevich facing up to a murderous convict who has been given work on a building site and is threatening foreman Yeltsin with an axe; sheer strength of will sends the man packing and the construction team gets the work done on time.
  9. But on one occasion she had a visitor, to whom she gave his portion, packing some egg sandwiches in the pudding basin and covering it as usual.
  10. The locals are already trading gossip about the hundreds of youngsters packing the beach.
  11. "Should send you packing," Harriet said.
  12. He slept on park benches, in packing boxes, and he even slept in holes in the ground with a strip of linoleum for a blanket.
  13. After washing, cleaning, packing and breakfast, the companies departed for the ranges in four-tonne trucks: like most of the infantry, we fight on our feet, but generally travel in vehicles.
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