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Перевод: palatalization speek palatalization

смягчение; палатализация


  1. Figure 3.3 shows the recessive pattern: palatalization is hardly present at all except in males over 40, and the area which has the most recent immigration from the country is the most conservative.
  2. Palatalization of before .
  3. To understand what is happening here, we have to know that Ulster vernaculars have palatalization of initial k in certain prevocalic positions (as in kjat, kja:r "cat, car"), and furthermore that this is recessive in inner-city Belfast.
  4. Clearly, this kind of work would not be undertaken unless it was thought possible that causal relationships between variables might exist, just as a medical researcher might hypothesize a causal relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, or as a historical linguist might hypothesize that a contributory cause of palatalization of k is an adjacent front vowel.

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