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Перевод: pancreatic speek pancreatic



  1. Pancreatic secretion was examined in rats with chronic pancreatic fistula prepared as described previously.
  2. These results are similar to those of Heyderman et al , who found that 20 out of 22 primary pancreatic tumours focally or weakly stained for carcinoembryonic antigen.
  3. Controversy exists about the relative importance of pancreatic cell dysfunction and impaired insulin sensitivity in the genesis of impaired glucose tolerance and non-insulin dependent diabetes.
  4. Fifty and 75% PSBR also produce early and appreciable increases in basal pancreatic secretion of water and bicarbonate, but unlike the structural adaptation, these functional changes are transient.
  5. RYRs may also generate calcium spiking in mouse eggs and pancreatic acinar cells.
  6. Circulating levels of insulin, pancreatic glucagon and neurotensin are unchanged after small bowel resection, whereas enteroglucagon is increased and concentrations correlate with indices of musocal mass and cell turnover in the pancreas.
  7. Neuropeptide Y has also been reported to increase substantially gastric acid and pancreatic exocrine secretion.
  8. The number of labelled cells in each section was estimated from a count of 2000 exocrine pancreatic acinar cells, the result expressed as a percentage - the labelling index.
  9. Total pancreatic DNA content per 100 g body weight increased by 34% at two weeks (p0.05) and by 82% at three weeks (p0.05), while RNA content increased by 60% and 178% (p0.001) and protein content by 20% and 57% (p0.05).
  10. So how does pancreatic lipase, an enzyme that knocks around in the essentially aqueous environment of the small intestine, get to grips with fats and oils and break them down into the glycerol and fatty acids that are readily absorbed by the lining of the gut?
  11. Such infusion of caerulein in chronic pancreatic fistula rats caused a marked increase in protein output from basal secretion of 10 mg/30 minutes to 40 mg/30 minutes in the first hour of infusion followed by a decline in protein output to 15-;20 mg/30 minutes in the following hours of the experiment.
  12. If a dog has a good appetite but seems to be losing weight, it may be suffering from a condition known as pancreatic insufficiency.
  13. Pancreatic hyperplasia can be detected as early as one week after 90% PSBR and persists for at least six months.

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