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Перевод: pantaloons

брюки ; рейтузы


  1. He was wearing old plaid trousers, over-large and loose as pantaloons, and tied at the ankles with string.
  2. The thick mane and the "pantaloons" on its legs, together with its small, sharply pointed black horns, give the goat its characteristic and unique appearance.
  3. Bloody lace and pantaloons?"
  4. Wordsworth himself arrived at Lime Street the following day, quaintly dressed, as Hazlitt remembered, in a brown fustian jacket and striped pantaloons, and talking freely in his strong northern accent:
  5. Dark suits, pale-blue shirts, Indian kurtahs worn not exclusively by Indians, Viyella shirts, striped mother-knitted pullovers, designer-monogrammed pullovers, cheap ethnic dresses, expensive ethnic dresses, long skirts, short skirts, exclusive French dresses, hand-stitched English dresses, Oxfam thirties dresses, prim high mandarin collars, plunging necklines, slit skirts, glimpses of suspender belts, clown pantaloons, dungarees, studded belts, limp leather belts, crackling metal belts, belts slung round waists, hips, bellies.
  6. The pot went again to Halema, who pulled up her skirt, revealing blue pantaloons trimmed with four or five inches of the requisite silver and gold thread at the ankle.
  7. In the field above a peasant dressed in high boots and baggy pantaloons watched a troop of grazing goats from the shade of an ancient olive tree.
  8. She was making serwal - pantaloons, the jodhpur-like underpants worn by the women and children which tie at the waist, fasten at the ankle and are loose, cool and comfortable.
  9. She gingerly lifted her skirt to reveal perhaps twelve inches of heavily embroidered, ankle-tight white pantaloons.
  10. He was quaintly dressed (according to the costume of that unconstrained period) in a brown fustian jacket and striped pantaloons.
  11. It must have been bought by the bolt, for it kept showing up all year in pantaloons and children's dresses, or on servants.
  12. Some still wore knee breeches, but tightly-fitting pantaloons buttoned round the ankle over the white silk socks were permitted.
  13. He had to provide his infantryman's uniform at his own expense - a deep-blue coat with matching lapels, and blue pantaloons with red edgings.

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