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Перевод: parson speek parson

священник ; приходский священник; пастор ; проповедник


  1. "No one, except for the parson and the undertaker's men.
  2. There's Parson Wheatley, you know, over in the Dyke district.
  3. "Parson's washing, Mrs Deacon," said Peg.
  4. Walton had not met him, but interviewed his surviving friends; the Life was written with the object of improving the standards of the clergy of the time by describing a golden age before the Civil War in which the aristocratic Herbert had renounced a brilliant career at university and at Court for the vocation of a country parson.
  5. "Has that old skinflint parson sent you to check up on me?"
  6. Parson and White's Gazeteer of Westmorland , published in 1829 six years after his death, records him "residing some years at Keswick before settling in Ambleside", which cannot be true since he was certainly in London in the 1790's.
  7. A class in County Down has a Presbyterian parson among its pupils.
  8. Both surprised contemporaries, who had predicted distinguished careers for them at University and Court, when they retired into obscurity, Herbert as a country parson, Ferrar as a Deacon and leader of a family religious community.
  9. Parson Reverend Solomon Slype, DD.
  10. Lewis's grandfather had been I parson in a Suffolk village, with nothing but his stipend to live on, the father of seven children.
  11. "Thomas White, a tippler, for keeping shuffle board play" came before the Court during the stern days of the Commonwealth, while in 1666 were charged, "John Parson, James his son, Stephen Parker and Sidney Randall for not going to church on the Lord's day".
  12. For most people the church provided the main consolations in a short and hard life: devotions, ritual and, occasionally, the feasts of Scot ales, where the parson paid for the drink, and on great occasions, such as the Feast of St Pancras in Lewes, festivities and public ceremony.
  13. The parson's words can surely be read as an indictment of women's education which, though it improved through the period, generally failed to realize the intellectual potential of women.

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