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Перевод: participial speek participial

причастный; деепричастный


  1. (vii) We follow current grammatical theory and practice in treating as clauses what are traditionally called participial, gerund, and infinitive constructions; for example Eating people is wrong, a woman destined for greatness, I'm sorry to hear it.
  2. The syntactic analysis revolves mainly around the study of adverbial and participial structures in the narrative.
  3. A ludicrous consequence of the inverted word-order is that the syntactic pattern noun + preposition ( shades among) might seem to be repeated at the end of the following line ( judgment o'er), so that instead of understanding a participial construction, the stern assize and equal judgment being over (Housman's equivalent for the future perfect ), a guileless reader might construe When once you descend among the shades, over the stern assize and equal judgment.
  4. The markers of this style are Latin wordiness and complex syntax: the former especially evident in the frequency of abstract nouns (usually polysyllabic and often accompanied by a polysyllabic adjective), and the latter in the use of relative clauses and -ing participial constructions.

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