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Перевод: passive speek passive

пассивный; инертный; бездеятельный; покорный; страдательный; беспроцентный; безынициативный;
пассивная форма; страдательный залог


  1. The risks of passive smoking are greater than those posed by any other indoor man-made pollutant "
  2. Even if you are hoping to work in a subordinate position for the very person who is interviewing you, you do not need to take a passive role in the interview.
  3. Vocabulary, use of complex sentence structures and passive voice, word and sentence lengths - all such aspects of language are also aspects of science teaching and, surely therefore, of testing.
  4. As both the active and the passive sentence mean the same thing, it is reasonable to ask why we need both.
  5. But DNA is a rather passive molecule even though it rules our development.
  6. Observers said this week that it was significant that Morling did not rule about the possible effects of passive smoke on the unborn child.
  7. And beware of the passive fitness syndrome.
  8. So when the Indians used the phrase "passive resistance" in South Africa they were immediately considered to be a threat to person and property in the same way as the suffragettes were a threat.
  9. While it may seem obvious that the anus and rectum of a passive homosexual may be sites of infection and should therefore be examined, it may be difficult for women to understand why this same examination needs to be performed on them.
  10. But to refer to Wladek as "a typical representative of the culturally passive mass which constitutes in every civilised society the enormous majority of the population" is to do less than justice to a tale which is at times very lively indeed and which was surely not written by any "passive" sort of person.
  11. A series of studies, usually by men, have argued that the female biology determines their temperament or personality, and makes women more passive and timid.
  12. Two misunderstandings at least were caused by the initial use of "passive resistance" to describe the principle f non-violent action, and both arose from the way in which the phrase was associated with the actions of the suffragettes. the first misunderstanding was that non-violent action was regarded as a weapon of the weak.
  13. "I think he says they have their roots in normal human patterns - active and passive, male and female.

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