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Перевод: pasteurization speek pasteurization



  1. Pasteurization of milk, to destroy the bacteria of bovine TB and other parasites, was not introduced until 1922.
  2. Fate decreed therefore that my very first exposure to this unlikely world was as interpreter for the British representative (a pleasant dairy farmer used to having a hundred cows he knew by name) at the milk pasteurization subcommittee of the Central Agricultural Control.
  3. Milk remained a health hazard until compulsory pasteurization eliminated tubercle and diphtheria bacilli from it in 1922 (McKeown and Turner 1975, Beaver 1973) with beneficial effects on infant mortality.
  4. Severe seasonal crises went with the advent of motor transport, but the pasteurization of cows' milk fed to infants and the wider availability of clean drinking water were probably the main causes.

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