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Перевод: pasturage speek pasturage

пастбище; подножный корм; пастьба


  1. 45:10: in times of famine nomads from Palestine are known to have been allowed pasturage in the eastern delta.
  2. Meadow areas were also used as pasturage "when the hay crop had been removed.
  3. The Persons who inhabit the Cottages are chiefly poor Labouring People, who are induced to seek Habitations in the Forest for the Advantages of living Rent free, and having the Benefit of Pasturage for a Cow or a few Sheep, and of keeping Pigs in the Woods; but many Encroachments have been made by People of Substance.
  4. As we shall see, such pasturage was increasingly valuable (and hence subject to regulation) and this was part of a general concern from the Middle Ages onwards with providing sufficient grass and fodder for animals all through the year.
  5. Wood land yielding 10 swine from the pannage. from the pasturage 7 swine.
  6. Lot, generously given the choice by his uncle, selects the fertile pasturage of the Jordan Valley.
  7. In either case, Leapor maintains that common pasturage should not be turned to the sole benefit of anyone.
  8. The diet of the rural poor may have deteriorated towards the end of the century because they had lost their pasturage and could no longer collect firewood or game from the common land (Taylor 1975).
  9. He must be "full of knowledge, even of tillage and pasturage, and through teaching people by what they understand must lead them to what they understand not".
  10. He had bought Burleigh (which he invariably called The Burleigh School, in capitals) precisely so that his manner might be given free rein and ample pasturage.
  11. In striking contrast to the Scottish hills which are often exposed rock and almost infertile at higher altitudes, the Black Forest plateau is prime cattle country with lush pasturage.
  12. Here there is pasturage for nomadic flocks and herds.

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