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Перевод: paternal speek paternal

отцовский; отеческий; отчий; родственный по отцу


  1. Or, more probably, since he is a serving naval officer, that the paternal grandmother, the Queen, was likely to make a better job than their mother of bringing them up.
  2. What is the paternal connection between Lord Hailsham, Winston Churchill, Tony Benn, Douglas Hurd, Paul Channon?
  3. My paternal grandfather was a petty officer who, after keeping Edward the Seventh's Royal Yacht spick and span - his trade was painter - died early from an illness acquired at the Defence of Ladysmith.
  4. No matter which way the economy goes, however, the Supreme Court has made it clear that nuclear power can no longer depend on Washington's paternal hand when its competes with other forms of energy for the public's blessing.
  5. Sao Paulo is a place of immigrants and, as is obvious by his name, Emerson's paternal heritage is Italian; his mother is Russo-Polish.
  6. He had been born just over two months after the marriage, and they named him Charles Benjamin after his paternal grandfather and father respectively.
  7. a dignified old lady, the widowed housekeeper of Chesney Wold, a loyal family servant of the Dedlocks whom CD may have modelled on his paternal grandmother, Elizabeth Ball Dickens (1745-;1824), who was housekeeper at Crewe Hall in Cheshire.
  8. It is worth noting how paternal authority overrode differences in occupational status and in income: in this particular case the father was a canteen cook, and Zuwaya generally considered that a lower occupation than one deemed intellectual.
  9. In the wild, where cats have huge territories, the chances of a tom-cat coming across a female in her den with her kittens is remote, so there is little opportunity for either paternal care or paternal infanticide.
  10. The couple had a daughter, Marjorie, who grew up deprived of contact with paternal relatives and excluded from any news of John and his work.
  11. There are substantial hints that if paternal family experience encouraged Edward to extend his interests, both in preparing for a career and in his natural history pursuits, along practical and fact-gathering lines, the subtler influence of his mother and her family gave approval to the sudden spurt of interest in the affective literature of Richard Jefferies and, even more, to the reading of poetry for its own sake.
  12. My paternal Grandfather was a stubborn, domineering man who intimidated my little Grandmother and everyone else.
  13. Edward recalls this attitude clearly among the Swindon-Welsh cronies of his paternal grandmother: "They used to remark how well my father was doing, my grandfather who had long been dead having only been a fitter".

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