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Перевод: pathologist speek pathologist



  1. He put himself into the pathologist's shoes and stood in the witness box.
  2. The corollary to point two is that it is budget-holders - such as the chief pharmacist or chief pathologist - who are expected to manage their departments within a predetermined budget, although the level of activity in their departments is outside their control.
  3. It is Alan Usher's contention that if this evidence had come to light before the trial, a third opinion could have been obtained from a specialist paediatric pathologist.
  4. You don't want any clever Q. C. s saying that the bungling pathologist has obscured a natural cause of death - not that there's much doubt left in this case."
  5. Dr James Freemont, pathologist, of Manchester Royal Infirmary, said Clare died after developing internal bleeding which made her major organs fail.
  6. "It ties in with something the pathologist said.
  7. Dr Umberto Saffiotti, an experimental pathologist at the National Cancer Institute at the time, said that type of no-effect level toxicology posed was "developed during the Stone Age of toxicology", and has nothing to do with self-replicating effects of carcinogens.
  8. This study was organised by Commission pathologist David Lonsdale.
  9. "Mrs Bahia's body was burned beyond recognition and it was only during the post mortem that a pathologist found the wounds."
  10. Rufus became the pathologist again.
  11. According to a US pathologist, who participated in the autopsy, "Akkawi suffered from a severe heart condition, which Israeli doctors had failed to detect.
  12. In her first major television interview since Maxwell's death a year ago yesterday, Betty also emphatically rejected claims from Home Office pathologist Dr Iain West that her husband committed suicide.
  13. "Ingested was the word the Home Office pathologist used, sir."

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