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Перевод: patriarchal speek patriarchal

патриархальный; патриарший; почтенный


  1. The patriarchal values of the countryside seem unthreatening by contrast, much as they do in Francesco Rosi's film Three brothers , in which a similar transaction between city and countryside is followed through.
  2. Because the social structure in the villages was one based on patriarchal families, where the daughter is invariably given away in marriage, and where, because a woman's chief economic role is as a producer of labour power (her sons) she is not considered of any real economic value before she is married.
  3. This has happened to some extent with dyke , a disparaging word for lesbians, and with spinster , less disparaging but still pretty negative, which is Mary Daly's term of choice for women who refuse to accept patriarchal society, preferring to "spin' their own reality.
  4. Talented cook, linguist and opera singer and fat, patriarchal slob.
  5. "It's a very patriarchal family," Zo says, "the family define itself as the men, with the women and children just surrounding them - so when one man gets himself another woman, it doesn't change things."
  6. The fascination with functions of the body, the analogies between artistic and physical creative processes, self-portraiture used to reveal the female body as the site of patriarchal aesthetic discourse; all of these mirror the concerns of many women painters of the 1980s.
  7. This creates a strongly patriarchal image: of women as the hapless subjects where, in the face of the (professionally powerful) GP referral, it was through ASW consultation with males that a potential section was averted, or the duration of a section was shortened.
  8. Whilst the laws of ritual purity were directed at both men and women, women - in order to promote practical, patriarchal socio-economic concerns - were particularly affected.
  9. To be sure we are seeing it in a grotesquely parodied form, but what leads to Celia being nearly raped is nothing less than the prevailing structures of patriarchal and heterosexual authority: it is after all her hitherto paranoidly jealous husband who has literally dragged her to Volpone's bed.
  10. Patriarchal power in education was coming back in a big way, and was endorsed in the 1986 Education Act's stipulation that sex education should be taught within a moral framework and with due regard to family life.
  11. Healing from incest violation, from rape and from wife battering name female experiences of violence that remain unmentionable in patriarchal religion.
  12. In its earliest impulses celibacy was egalitarian and even subversive of patriarchal family relationships.
  13. Things had improved slightly for married women since the patriarchal days of the feudal system, and few people in the late 1700s could have shared Luther's view that:

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