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Перевод: pave speek pave

мощеная улица; мостовая ; проезжая часть;
мостить; вымащивать; вымостить; выстилать; замащивать; покрывать дорогу; устилать; усеивать


  1. Abortifacient contraceptives, embryo experimentation and abortion itself deny the principle of the sanctity of life from conception onwards and so pave the way for euthanasia.
  2. The bill to reform the legal profession and abolish barristers' monopoly rights in the higher courts will pave the way for solicitors to appear in any court, up to the House of Lords.
  3. With the formulation by Schrdinger in 1925 of the wave equation for an electron, it was clear that a solution to it could pave the way to a direct quantitative predictive method for most, if not all, chemical phenomena by using the values of a small number of physical constants.
  4. Sabbath! - a true Sabbath, a restful day, when all nature sweetly unfolded her beauty; while man, unless blinded, must admire, and if he has been taught to worship, each look at nature would a note of praise call forth, and pave the way for prayer.
  5. The end of Mrs Green's five-year battle will help pave the way for scores of other claims from servicemen and their families.
  6. Unemployment and recession increased the decay of inner city social systems, and helped pave the way for the drug-fuelled despair of the late Eighties.
  7. Mr Scargill's election to Parliament would acutely embarrass Mr Kinnock, but would pave the way for the NUM's merger with the Transport and General Workers' Union.
  8. It was, he said, a "new Victorian Poor Law" which would pave the way for the election of a Labour Government at the next election.
  9. The House of Lords Select Committee understood the provision to relate to development plans but if it is implemented in the UK (and this depends somewhat on MAFF taking an unusually enlightened view) it could pave the way for farm development plans incorporating conservation and agricultural measures.
  10. On the other hand, there is the blueprint for EMU laid down in stages two and three of the Delors report, a far more ambitious scheme which would mean a European central bank, a single currency, a framework for budgetary policy and, in effect, pave the way for political union.
  11. The council had recently authorised an adjoining owner to construct and pave an access way over part of the road verge.
  12. Much work has been done behind the scenes to pave the way for its implementation.

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